
MiNI Video Studio

Application for non-linear video editing

project homepage

  1. MiNIVS - what's that?
  2. A short intro
  3. Features - what can we do with it
  4. How does it look like - a few screenshots, and so on
  5. Our team
  6. Future plans and the first release

MiNIVS - what's that?

MiNI Video Studio is a program for non-linear video editing. What does that mean? Our application allows creating of a movie from other movies in a way, that the elements of the final movie overlap, creating a series of layers, that can be rendered one by one, or all at once.

A short intro

This program is being created as a university project by a group of students.

Features - what can we do with it

The program allows the user to create a movie from a set of movies, audio tracks, pictures, effects and transitions. There are several layers for each of these elements. The higher the layer, the higher the priority, so higher layers conceal lower ones.

How does it look like - a few screenshots, and so on

Main window Selecting encoders Bitmap editor

Our team

Da boss: Marek Hański
and other, not less significant developers

Future plans and the first release

Updates, bug fixes, and so on...
Download the latest release.